The possibility mentioned above should work for Foundry or Sandbox. However, as I said before, I have never felt a need to make a carpet box...
I personally have never felt a need to make a carpet box, but I know of a way in which it could be done. Place the Block / Double Block where you...
Ethrock: I believe this is caused when you try to save/quit an object when it's blue dot is outside of the map. However, I can offer this advice....
Do you happen to have any pictures of the map that you could show us? Providing pictures of a map that you want help with will most likely help...
I actually agree with CaptnSTFU on most of his points. I showed the map to AceOfSpades0707 as well and we both thought it had some good ideas in...
Honestly, I would appreciate that very much. I am afraid though that I may not be able to play the map and look through it thoroughly until...
Alright, I would propose one of two things, either of which you may have already done. Either 1) place the sniper and the sword very far away form...
Would you please estimate about how much lateral space the map takes up on the Crypt? I should be able to help you better once I have a rough size...
I very much appreciate your reply Dozer5274. I feel as well that Bungie has a somewhat warped mentality about which forged maps should go into MM...
Follow this tutorial if you want to be able to geomerge the "old way." Note that it is usually a very good idea to brace your object on any sides...
Will the bridge be worked on from a map that has already been started, or do you need the bridge to be made on a canvas?
Do you want it to include the curves, or do you just want it to be straight? Also, do you want it in that same spot as the one in the picture? If...
Before you go under the map, interlock an object with the box that is pushing you under so that it's teardrop (blue dot) is on the ground. Proceed...
Initiate Helpful_suggestion.exe Perhaps instead of blatantly and outright hating a map and ranting about it, how 'bout we make a compilation of...
I usually start off by either screwing around on a map and seeing what comes out of it or I ask myself one question: Symmetrical or Asymmetrical?...
The ground level is approximately 30 by 60 blue squares, but it is very uneven and inconsistent around the edges. I would recommend geomerging...
AceOfSpades0707: I agree with you completely. That is why I haven't posted any maps of FH since the release of Mythic (or anytime for that...
I think it is safe to say that we have effectively given onebitrocket three different methods of accomplishing the same thing. Good job to all...
Another method which I frequently use is to 1: place the box that you want the Wall / Dbl-Wall to be even with, then 2: make it either spawn at...
Hehe, at most I am only available 3:00 PM EST to 4:00 PM EST on weekdays, so I feel your pain. I may just end up sending you a theater vid of my...