It's so easy to actually get passed the staff & their IP checking... but some people are so retarded, they just log out & try to register on the...
Ya, then down the road, we would have been like "Wait.....What?!" lololol
Who the **** you think you're kidding? Use "Spartan III" or whatever that account's name is. You can't just be a troll, and not get caught with...
i actually really digged the name/avatar... If only he wasn't such a disappointment...
OP is further evidence that u r spartan.
Bamf. cite your source, as that is not your information.
here and very seldom i'm on skype.
So what you're telling me, is that people who have never smoked weed in their life, don't just sit in their office, and play flash games?
calm down man. the world's not going to implode or anything. that thread was horrible. srsly
You'll see more ;D
Messages thread. Go.
I have a present for you...
Ya, they can't test for Acid, so if the user was only smoking pot, and taking a few hits of 'cid, then the only substance that would appear in his...
This... ...I think I just lost brain cells...
What? You think the Introductions forum is your new gateway to OT banter? No. Go somewhere else, you lost your OT privileges a while ago. One...
Just a hypothetical: You're 19 years old, in the military. You're fighting for our country. One day, out on a routine patrol, you get shot in the...
Wait, what? Sarge. . . No chicken . . . That means . . . NO CHICKEN NOODLE?! Chicken noodle's like crack, he's retarded. But ya, I'm actually...
Phelps is another good example, but that doesn't go for everyone. Keep that in mind.
Man, I've just been trying to find a job, which, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm going to have to leave, soon, to do just that. I do have a...
Holy **** that thread is giving me a headache.