Is there any known way of fixing it?
Many times throughout the movie Ash and them go through different tunnels and there are lots of floating columns. Giratina also goes by the...
For me it has been happening in both forge and custom games. Only when the lights are interlocked inside another object though. Could that be the...
Thanks bro... How would I get a full overview though? I usually don't post maps or do screenshots so I'm new at this (Not forging... Posting). I...
Okay... So thanks to the Tester Guild I was able to revise and launch this map... Here you go. Enjoy....
This map was made for a contest in the Forge Discussion section. It required me to use only Red/Blue columns, non-scenery items and a scenery item...
Haha... I was just about to make a thread about this when I happened upon yours. I don't know the answer but I would also like to ask if there is...
Wow.... I actually really, really like that. So to answer your question yes. It is asthetically pleasing.
I'm thinking about just plugging in a few extra controllers and seeing what happens. I'm also talking about respawn points. Not just start points.
Okay so I made a map that is predominantly for team slayer yet I want it to also support FFA. If I make the spawn points as attacker and defender...
Switch the gametypes by hitting start>Change gametype while in monitor mode. This will allow you to place starting points and spawn areas for...
Ummm... U need a link to a FH thread w/ the map so we can see it. And Arvas how can u love it if it only has 0 DL's? Oh and I editted my map a lot...
1px black borders=fail... Especially on the dark Forgehub X background.
The size is better than the OP one yet I think about 20ish pixels off the bottom would be better. Oh and maybe some sort of border. I suggest a 1...
Okay so I've been gone for a while and I wanted to post some of my newer stuff... I've done quite a bit of large art and manips lately so those...
I haven't been here in a while so are we still allowed to post galleries?
Hmmm... Not feeling it. The effect is mediocre at best and it is well placed but not relevant. The render doesn't blend and you seem to just have...
Hmmm.... Do I sense godrays? I like the colors but the size is undesireable... Lighting is good.
Ha... I'm not someone you should be asking... I dig busy but I'm not sure how other people feel about it. Haven't u seen any of my sigs?
Tiz... Bro go on AIM again. Oh and for some CnC the smudging and colors are excellent and I like how the effects go from her fingertips yet it is...