If you look at my current sig which is shown by clicking the "About Me" Tab on my profile you can see my sig and if you click the sig shop link...
Well if people make sig shops then they enjoy doing it and it wouldn't be "wasting" someone's time (:
You never guess what .. I've seen it! (: Sarcasm BTW
Graphics and Arts - Forge Hub Halo Forums Graphics and Arts section (: Where all the sigs are ;D
I've finished your request (: [IMG]
I don't have a full friends list but i have a lot of gullible people who believe every rumor that comes around! Pain in the ass i think >:C
LOL the sig shop is just a thread on the forums where people request for sigs and the owners make it .. I own a sig shop which is quite popular....
LOL Well i could do one on the side ... What would you like my good man? :)
Umm .. I don't really make maps but my bro does. You could test his if you want (: But hes not home at the moment i'll get it later if you want xD
Um I am over DRiSCOLL's and decided to make your sig for him because hes lazy :p But i went to open it and noticed it was saved as a .gif file...
Dude dude dude i haz Slipknot's Live Album and i listened to the Drum Solo thingy ! It's pretty epic (: And the Album is really good xD
Nothing Brooo . What's cracka lacking in your end?
Um Post in sig shop? :)
Mine aren't the best if i may say so myself (: haa Yupp i do .. i have the one on the wii but it sucks :P i've played the Xbox version but i dont...
Lool i have been excited for a while TBH :P ITs pretty good but it does get a little boring xD And i do make Sigs :)
Loooool Work? :P Where do you work? XD Lacrosse Tourney ? Haa you're gonna fail :p
Happy Facee! You had RRoD right? :P
Ble mae SIG?
Skype me ? :)
Knightboy!!!!!!! WHAT KB? You're soo gay! LONG TIME NO SPEAKY! Hows it been going man? (: