I can only assume you've seen Apocalypse Now?
Just wanted to see how it'd look a bit slower.
Sorry, if I'm saying something that's already been said but... If it's something that Bungie will remove from your file share, it's obviously...
I lol'd. You offered little feedback directly related to the map(point being, you could easily throw that comment into any map) and you gave...
Are you able to slow down the colour shifts of your sig?
IE does that too btw. I've turned on my computer, fired up IE and it's given me the option to open up the home page or restore my last session.
"klhgpyfptucflgtyfkl8phj" ^Wisedome, right there. Dom is a wise man.
Nope, I don't have it. I want to see it again though. BTW, we're capped.
lol. Look back like 3 weeks, you might find it.
Did that thread in staff about a film/music sub-forum die?
I don't know where my Halo disc is :\
I was going to write up edition 2 of FHG today. I know what I'm doing.
Lock this please.
what'd you think?
Turns out, I bought Hush part one. It's 5 comics, not all of them. Still though, it's cheaper than buying the five of them separately.
ohaider Mr. BlueMan Guess we won't need this anymore [IMG]
Have you looked up vector? I'm sure wiki would explain it better than I could.
Doubt it, unless a few people campaign for it. There was a thread in staff that I bumped a multitude of times but got no response.
Sure, I've a few pics saved. I haven't touched the map in a while, can't find my Halo disc.