Ok everyone, just got bored as usual and made this. In my opinion it is too overdone but you never know some of you may think differently Input...
I don't think sharpening is a problem. With the c4d's, make them more blurred, the edges are too sharp Lastly, make the overall sig not as even...
It's obviously a modded map with a wraith turret upside down
Hey man, can you add these to my de-motivators thread, cuz I don't wanna get bitched at for double posting...
I'll take 2 cuttoff panels as well. just for fun :)
Looks kinda cool. What exactly happened that was so special? anyways it's good for being on accident
Hey man! Thnx for the cmmnts on my pics. The font for the title is times new roman, and the sub-text is bank gothic
¬.¬ ..... Sure! And when you make them, you can post it in this thread if you want
Looks cool. Maybe lower the contrast unless you wanted an edgy look. Not my style but good
Not at all, go ahead community share whatchya got!
Ok, so I made this right now for someone. I think it turned out pretty good. Input and suggestions mucho appreciated! [IMG] Stocks:...
Idk, just got bored once again and made this. Input and suggestions appreciated! [IMG]
awww crap. The Ps file is corrupt so now im gonna have to start all over :( I'll definitely take your advice though iZumi thnx!
Hey everyone, I just started working on this for delboyo13. I'm not particularly in love with it. I think its to busy on the left side. give...
lol thnx guys. I'll be sure to keep 'em comin' If you want me to make one, send me a pic and I'll come up with somethin :P
Hey everyone. I made these a while back and just thought I'd post them to showcase the screenshots and to give some funny sayings! lol EDIT:...
Here's a tut on embedding pics. fix it.
Looks pretty interesting. Well forged from what I can see in the pics. And as chung_wii said, can you explain more about the gametype and map, cuz...
The brushes you used and colors are fine, but overall its much to bland. Add some effects to the render and make things just pop. The text...
ROFL, ya its pretty cool IMO. Um..I don't know if you understood the request format, but I guess I can do that seeing as how my stronger point...