that first jump thing looks pretty shweet. i like how the track snakes under it too. it defenatly looks like you spent your time on this and im...
wow. all i can say. from the first pic plus the description i can tell this is going to be one hell of a map. it seems like it would play sort of...
i really love the whole "jedi powers" thats pretty awesome. couldnt one person just sit on a teleporter tho and wait for people to come at them? i...
yes i defenatly havent seen these kindof maps before. in the tubes are there grav lifts? just thought id make sure... haha seems to me like you...
these maps have been done before. sept i do like how it is a foot and mongoose map (i think) it doesnt look messy to me which is cool. i think you...
i really like this new idea of scoring with golfing. its truly original. i may have seen wrong but what is the person gravity? if its normal then...
id be cool if you could show the inside of the church in one of your pics. and more pics inside of the "houses" in general this map looks great....
haha thanksss. im really curious as to how you did the whole shotgun spawn thing... did you geomerge the kill balls into the ground or what?
im lovin the shotgun spawn howd you do it? thats what id like to no. im usually not a fan of these kind of maps but you've gotten me interested. i...
this map looks prettty interesting for a race course. i think it would be better if you put descriptions of the pics, then it would be less...
okay so this has already been made sept in boat form. the boat one is lots of fun. this seems to me that its just the same thing except a raft not...
okay iwas gona be like.. waaaht? haha yah i kinda stopped now that im demon... and now the weathers nice.
ight or they could just block it. i suggjest not using teleporters and actually making a differnt part of the house.
haha is black better? okay well yah ill have to try it out... maybe tomorrow cuz i get to try out some stuff tonight. anyhow the closeness of it...
id say thats pretty risky.... the humans would have some balls to do that. cuz like he said the zomb is a fast little bugger. anyhow: i can see a...
tele camping much in the "other rooms"? theres gona be some serious assassination goin on here with those portals. ithinks you should make it...
yah the jail cells looks really tight (not ina good way) the bars are way to close to each other and make it look bad.
woah i just realized this was a ship. one thing i dont like about ship themed levels: you dont have much left to right movement cuz its usually...
uh oh double posting this map? thats a no no. anyhow this map looks prrretttttyyyy nice. im just wondering why you named it blood garden? cuz to...