aww why ya gotta come back and ruin mah journo reign? twas fun....kinda
lol @ awesome screen
AZN, one of these days you're going to finally realize that Conquest has grown larger than your head. Its a beast all its own now, and no matter...
This thread is now locked due to neglect. Please read all the rules, and all the stickies. When you feel you are ready to properly post a map...
ill move your post tonight after i get off of work so Antiquity has 24. so in like 7 hours or so
gone. Lionheart pulled the plug. I was cool with it, it wasnt going anywhere, and I didnt want to deal with it anymore
so we get bitched at if we give staff features.. and bitched at when we don't. i give up. oh, and Harmony was strongly requested in the featured...
yeh thats right STICK IT TO THE MAN! i like that shock
can you make Doog Premium? or still dont have the ability?
Antiquity By Doog Nit Recommended Players: 4-8 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, KotH, Oddball Doog's latest competitive map, Antiquity, is...
Wanted to let you know that I posted a link to this map in the new Hidden Gems section of the Site Update. I did this mainly because the layout is...
Its come to my attention that Utah Mambo (arguably the successor to Kentucky Tango) was featured exactly one calendar year (4/10/08) after...
lol rly? i honestly had no idea. Twas fate, I suppose.
will do. later
actually, i just deleted the change a couple hours ago now that i think about it lol
i havent played on it yet.. i dunno, i dont really like the change. needs a different solution. i may just move on.. we'll see.
fair enough. you know theres a spot waitin for you when youre ready
com bak 2 staffz?
that whole post... /speechless. ive been trying to think of a way to summarize those EXACT sentiments on the "needing a place to kick back" bit...