I would just suggest that you change your map's name. I believe there is a Foundry map named Radius.
I hate to leave such a short post, but I only have a quick suggestion: The map looks really nice, but I'm concerned about the middle. It looks...
@ Arvas, it's going to be okay. He's knew, relax. @ TEENTECH, just because he's not a admin doesn't mean he's not right. And chill with the...
Halo 3: ODST is a disc by itself. You play as and ODST and it takes place towards the end of Halo 2 when Master Chief chases after the Profit of...
[IMG] Here's my hot photoshopped version! [IMG] It's in my Avy (I made it myself :) ) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I highly doubt super jumps are possible in H3. As theheat said, Halo 3 has a whole different physics system. Also, I'm not sure what you're...
This delicious canvas needs bumped. It's much better than the one in Bungie favorites.
To learn how to do more advanced forging techniques such as interlocking, refer to the Forging 101 section of the website. Good luck! EDIT: Never...
It's not available for download as of now. Bungie will probably put it into MM some day.
Or, you could just save your map offline... much easier to do IMO.
I could literally go on for hours about why it's my favorite, so I won't even go there.
Read my post above. You people are downright ignorant sometimes.
Hate to rain on your parade, but I don't think this will work too well. Campaign has tons of different terrains. You can only do so much in forge.
Um, why would you remake Guardian? That doesn't make sense to me at all. I almost can't believe that's even an option...
Looking good so far! It's the best ascension remake I've seen, so congrats on that, but nothing will ever be as good as the original. There just...
Sorry, I'm confused. Are you talking about the default items?
Suggestions As I said on Midkill v1, you NEED to get rid of the Killball. You'd then have to change the name, but that's not too hard. The...
I don't even need to give a full review of the map. I can describe it in one word: Sexy! EDIT: Thanks for fixing the small base BTW. The new one...
Quick suggestion: The grav-lift in bottom middle is not set to instant respawn. I think it should be. Message me if you're not sure how to....
I'm an MLG guy, and I never tea bag. I never trash talk unless the other team initiates it. I usually just say "good game," whether I win or...