wow, i didnt get how it'd work untill i watched the video, it took me a few seconds to reaise that its snout was supposed to look like it was...
The design of the red base is great, realy smooth and well shaped, especially the floor. Good job. if you're making a V2 i'd reccomend...
yeah, it's already been said i know, but double walls are like the most widely used item, i wont DL it because i already have a canvas like this,...
Very clever, especially the way it's held with shield doors. I like how the support for the door doesnt get in the way of gameplay either - it...
looks great, the way you have used watchtowers on the corners of the castle to smoothen it out gives it a nice touch, although it does look...
The base looks realy well made, i like the thing above the door that can give the defender some cover, although it does look a little overpowered...
it sort of reminds me of Barts Battle with the fence wall bridges, but the geomerging is nicely done. If your'e doing a V2 i'd reccoment making...
its quite an original idea, although if you just kept the turret running in the path of the coils then wouldnt it just keep blowing them up?
it looks kinda sloppy, but you could have meant it to be like that. You say the zombie is slow so that the players have time to stock up, but if...
haha, that it a really awsome concept. Its great the way the red lights spawn to make it seem like the fire is getting bigger. IS the scoring...
The destructible bridge is pretty good, especially owing to the fact that you die should you fall off =). Im sure the river map in gears2 is a...
yeah, its a very basic idea (i mean, foundry IS a warehouse anyway - right?). However, it would seem to play okay, but the veihcles would be a bit...
Looks pretty cool, i love the protruding signs out of the shops. You could do with filling the gaps above the windows though, couple of typo's in...
Duck hunt was good because of the cover. The idea's great although i think it'd play a lot better with cover for the gooses and maybe a longer...
The best thing about this map is that its not overcomplicated by pipes, jumps and other things, its just a very neat, smooth, double wide track...
This track looks like it would only be good with a small amount of people due to the lack of straights. it looks a little sloppy in places (have...
I just played it, and i have to say that it isnt too bad, the floor can be a little bumpy in places and it's missing the waterfall, but the walls,...
At first i though it wouldn't work, but when you mentioned the improved speed, it made sense. i suppose going up the side and over the players...
great work, worth a DL. i like the idea of a killball in the middle of the sort of "whirlpool" thing. it makes a nice change to do it on the...
its very accurate, although you need more screenshots. is the other side of the structure there?