ok thaanks dude, i dont really have a video for you i just need you to go through the map, it doesnt matter if theres people in it
try halotracks.org its a forging site based only on halotracks
oh ok, well it could defietly be a big hit if you would but it you dont want to its your choice. edit: r u settin up the post right now?
sweet your finally posting it, well ill probably have to dl it before i review, im planning a good review for this one, your guys next project...
I agree, in my opinion i would defietly try for regicide a lot more than i would for amplified, because regicide is just truley amazing, ill try...
oh 30,00+ wow, well than agian i havent been on forever though, and when do they not rush, i guess thats why i dont find it fun, everytime i play...
well for infection its great to leave it able to drive around, but for competetive, i dont think its such a good idea, think about this (if you...
yeah dude you should invite me to come play ive sent you messages gt: Cecium i cant talk on my mic though cause im so sick i can barley talk...
ok so halo wars is pretty fun, but it just doesn't seem to be halo. and its really boring playing the same match for 45 mins-1/2hrs. dont get me...
wow great boat map, i was wanting to be the first to make a boat =[ oh well this is really good, i think you should take out the black light...
I honestly dont think i have ever seen a map so clean, and great looking, it seems as if you would pick up just enough speed to make it around...
hey phreakie, r u working on my video now? since i was next in line
so is it ready to be posted or r u still doing testing. if you still wanna test just message me
hey ill help you test my gt is : Celcium i just sent u a message on xbl i cant use a mic tho. cause im so sick right now i can hardly talk
wow this looks great, is it a covanent based map cause it sorta looks like it. from the athestics, i cant really get a good few tho. but i guess...
lol ive been monorting, this search and didnt know wht he was talking about so i didnt post but yea the most easiest way to do this would probably...
ok i just got back from playing on it, the tunnel was still amazing ,but the map was very open, and it seemed to hard to get up to places. I...
well, im first of glad to know that you can post properly, this is a good post. and for the map, its a masterpiece. I love the back tunnel, it...
wow dude thats a rush, hes still posting this one, and its taken about 3 months for him to perfect it, i think that the new **** zombies needs to...
oh well it does seem like one hell of a challenge, and will defietly change the way the map will be made, im actually curious to see the layouts,...