(if you like, please, turn this into a caption game i would love to see what you guys can think up for this.) this is proof that plasma pistols...
he saw his parents doing it 5/10
pardon my f bomb but... THIS MAP IS ****ING AMAZING the only exploits were in the sand hugger base and they look intentional
ive actually asked a guy whose map was featured (i belive it was pennyless) he said he used a program.
I look at all the featured maps and almost all of them looked like a computer program was used. I was not sure at first but after seeing the fence...
you do know that most of the featured maps were done with a computer
i plan on getting a degree in programing or computer graphics and work for bungie in ai programing or a graphic desiner
For your situation they were just being retards with post 9/11 paranoia. in my case i resently simply shoved a kid in self defence and got a day...
What i mean is, when a member is making a map for forge hub... what is insipiering him to make the map like what is telling him what is a good...
I , being 13 have a relitivley low voice and dont get much crap. but even when i do get pissed off i will turn my mic off and scream at them due...
In a private school i understand. Can you imagin a kid walking into a jewish private school with a shirt saying "jesus loves us!" In a public...
its funny i keep on tricking my freinds when i play on this map by useing the tunnles undrneath the sheild doors.
omg thankyou!!!
god im trying can someone give me some positive feedback like telling me how! i looked at the faq and it only tells me how to do it in the old...
The idea of strong hold came to me about a month after the heroic map pack first came out. In inspiration i built The original strong hold. Sure,...
overall it is great, no amazing! sure i found a few exploits such as if you go in the mancannon the wrong way youll end up on top of the base and...