i really like the game. im definatly gona make maps to be "lazer tag" maps the map needs a little work all the stuffs already been stated
this looks pretty fun. im suprised. but which vehicles are zombies and which are mouses? i will download cuz i remember awhile ago i played cat...
u should remake for infection where zombies are invincible and you have to hit them with the golf balls. now THAT would be great :P but this map...
is it okay if i map a semi copy to this map? where insted of an area the humans must work their way through a no roofed maze? i think this would...
how do you make such amazing maps? haha how long did it take u to make it? ive downloaded and tryed to play it... i got to the red teleporter...
this actually looks pretty fun. it seems like in the middle tho that they could be "undercover" and not get hit. but maybe my eyes deceive me. im...
F*CK dude whats the point of neatness when you are just gona be moving them anyway? come on now seriously'? lets not get TOO bitchy shall we?
"Let me start by saying that you will not regret downloading this map" haha if we could actually see the pics. i think most of us are too lazy...
*yawns* looks pretty boring. im not a big fan of the splazers and KOTH isnt my fav game either. sorry but im not gona download...
all the mlg maps always have a tend to look the same, this one looks really similar i forget the name but it looks extremely like another mlg map....
hey i saw your featured map. it looks hella sick. can you send it to me? my GT is Darksoullll
Hey. i saw the infection map that you made got featured. i think its pretty sick. could you send it to me? with game variant? id be very happy to...
I saw the Chasm map that u made and i think it looks pretty dam amazing. If you could send it to me thatd be great my GT is Darksoullll
yeah so im just resorting to this... haha thanks tho looks like one great map u made
Hey i saw your map "Temple NIghts" it looks pretty sick i was wonderin if you could send it to me. GT: Darksoullll
Hey can u send me this map? it looks great and id really like to try it out GT: Darksoullll
alright thanks man
Hey can u send me the 8 Emerald Legs map? it looks pretty sick and i really wana try it out My GT: Darksoullll
hey can u send me this map. i really wanna play it my GT is Darksoullll
Anyone wanna send me this one? id love to play it. it looks fantastic. GT: Darksoullll