Blue Effects Hey, I just started this and I was wondering if you were interested in joining. I like your screenshots and they would be a great...
Yes, I decided to stop being lazy.... so, you want some admin status there? You can help out/post pictures and what not... Anyways, shoutbox!
What do you mean?
Blue Effects
Lol, why thank you. I pretty much went into GIMP and cropped the picture from my gallery. I planned on asking someone to create a better one for...
It was supposed to be funny
Episode LOL This is what it would be like if I met you BTW, your the white guy in the diaper.
I'll try and send you a friend request. I don't normally play on school days, though. I guess you could say I go to an "advanced high school" so I...
Your Air Control was a good idea. If you want, we could do a joint forge. I have a few ideas up my sleeve as well
I'm guessing the Hornets will be given the job capturing territories while Banshees will be used to rush the enemy? Please lock this Insane. It is way off topic and full of spam.
The only topic worth discussing here can be summed up in one image: :lock:
I actually didn't bring this off topic. I stated my opinion on the matter and "stalkercfc" took my sarcasm as a personal offense and got off topic.
I am so sad. You have hurt my feelings so much. Can a mod please lock this if these people will not stay on-topic?
Look at all these new members coming in with ideas. Creating a leader board with clans and such would take away from the original purpose of this...
Yes you do. It's called Spammers United. As for me, I don't have one. Not now, at least. I'll probably start one for all my Halo screenshots. You...
You spammed. Well goodbye, Wiggums. I'll see you on xForgery. (I hope this isn't advertising Insane)
Blue threw down a bubble shield when Red shot his rocket. The bubble shield didn't look like it was deployed but the effect was already there so...
Lol, I deleted my blog. That mod. Klink told me not to edit posts so I just decided to delete it. Reason for deletion: People overreact
Lol, I simply had too.