good news, keep up the good PR. You still on live?
meh, join the club, lol. So any details you can give on the progress? And you should have joined my party earlier, we had a gay old time on...
so... How did it go?
it's kind of the standard when it comes to communication around here. Did you get that phone call this morning.
Yeah but you still have to download the messenger.
I'm hardly ever on yahoo messenger, but I'm always on skype.
so what I did to your message. rofl...
Locked. possible troll is possible.
sad face.
Map theft will not be tolerated, let this be a reminder to everyone. Although most of you know better. :)- [IMG]
sir chron, hmm.. I like it.
quite frankly you will not need to geo-merge, you will have so many different ramps and boxes you wont know that to do with your self, I only used...
It's not that big of a problem, you can leave the edges for some added obstacles, or since bungie has given us an outrageous amount of items and...
The staff is doing a review of the new maps that will be featured shortly, but for now... Here is my baby, it's a competitive map that is...
Ha that first snipe was me blasting tsb in the head after trying the rocket jump! That was a close game, but then again competitive playing isn't...
I'm sorry who are you?
Cheers my ass, I'm pissed :)
Shouldn't you be watching it? What?
No I'm not watching porn with my roomate, watching thick as thieves with a buddy! Thanks for the one month bud-a