Thanks everyone. We really started this map by just messing around in the skybubble, only it ended up looking pretty sweet after a while. From...
You're post is fine, but you only need the name of the map in the title. In this case Uprising is all you need. Anything after that is not...
If you like Jizz in my pants you should also enjoy "Lazy Sunday" And for your viewing pleasure, may I present you with the Baco Shell Breakfast...
I'm confused....
Huh? Why so purple?
Congrats on winning the Conquest Forge-off man, very nice work :0)
Banshees = win
Hey man, sorry about appearing to ignore you earlier today. We were doing testing for the Lazy Mapmakers contest and I was all tied up with that...
Halo 3 Game Details Thought you would appriciate my stats in this game :0) Especially my tool of destruction.
Apalogize. lol.
Just 1 Moderator :0)
Oh poo...
If you feel it is ready then feel free. I didn't spend much time on territories and I would like at least one more team game if possible in the...
Sounds good, but lets see how it plays, a Hammer might suck on this map.
Sounds good man, can't wait to check it out. Only 5 more days!!!
:( face
All set :0)