Whos better at forging, You or vorpal saint?
*backs into a corner fearing needlers will find them. Prays needler has bad aim.
Kan i hazzz M16 then?
Did ya make any maps recently?
Needler *****!!!Run everybody run!*Runs around in a circle panicing.
well, see ya`.
Kan i hazzz XM8 later?
Was` up
Thats what i hate, In H1 they listened to their fans. Now They manipulate us fans. Halo:ODST would`nt have gotten much excitement without...
Your mean plus your maps suck. Your nothing but a over-pompous hypocrite. Dont act all superior to others if you have nothing to back you up. Plus...
Tis bad. I dont like the presentation.
Well, thats bungie`s code of Bull@*!& "honor". They only give the good stuff to damn suck ups. Didnt you get on Bungie favs to?
Sotha, he must`ve had a preset grudge because he harassed everyone w/ out being provoked.
I like the profile page colors.
Kan i hazzz XM8?
I thought you were like a super good forger... Why didnt Bngie give you the codes? I`m a big fan of your maps so if other people who suck at...
*wonders if AR will take out needler. (probably not) *Finds out ARs suck.Runs around in a square...(why square no clue)
Ah! *So tired from running in circle...
Cool, I thought you would have an everlasting grudge against me since I`m related to him, sadly, I share the same XBL profile becuase he...