I'm just about finished.... I gotta find a text you would like though lol
I don't know if I told you but I am sick at the moment and I'll be able to do it as soon as I am well... I could try to start it again right now
We have begun our lessons now
True that. So how do we begin?
Kk.... Like my avatar? I made it from scratch in GIMP
I love you sexy dude
Ah man
Damn. My skype isn't working for some reason.. Oh well.... I guess I won't be taking part of this
lawlz cuz I don't go on teh sexbox or teh forge hub too much anymore... I'm too busy =[
Hey could I get some teaching from lockDOWNN? I have GIMP but I don't know how all this works. I would appreciate the teaching and help =D
nowai. How?
That sucks man... I'm sorry to hear that. Happy birthday though. I hope you have a great rest of the day.
Alright... I want just sharpened the whole thing because it started looking LQ... I'll play around with the focal and see how it is
I'm liking it... Not really but w/e =D And no. Orlando is about an hour away. It. was. sick.
Yeah dude I saw them last night... It was the definition of incredible
I actually am pleased with the text for now... And I dropped the border. For now, I am pleased
What is the name of the text you use in your "deep freeze" sig. Its really sweet and I was wondering If I could have it.. EDIT: Nvm... I think...
Dude Puruku is incredible... Great work.
Howz the moderating business doing for you?