I unfortunately go to a heavy gang infested school with at least five different gangs vying for control of the school. We naturally have to wear...
I will be glad to help anyway I can. I can usually get a lot of people joining once I send out some invite via FH TGIF 1, 2, and 3... I can just...
Well, if you truly decide to leave Forge Hub then I hope you will help me Co-Host TGIF every other week. I can't stand to see my favorite AZN not...
Yeah, just let out all that anger out that you may have for Haruhi... Even though Haruhi is not at fault here but it is in fact you. You can't...
Oh, That's nice... It's because you like to stalk the 1,000,000 post party countdown thread. Your names written all over the tags and cluttering...
Only because I like to stalk my friends pages... lol. Remember that I stopped caring for who has the most profile visits. Owned...
So, maybe I do... I like to keep up with my friends and your page always has something going on. (IE: Being warned, Banned, etc...)
If I remember correctly you have 'left' several times before. Anyway... You'll come back they always come back after some time have passed by....
Please ignore some of our more 'immature' members of the site. His post calling your map 'crap' has been reported and shall be dealt with quickly....
Ugh, Never mind... Too late you already found it. lol.
I see... This is really pissing me off that I can't seem to get the link working. I can't see what could be the problem with this. Ugh. *Facepalm*
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/57733-halo-wars-out.html Oh, I see what I did wrong. The link I give you above should work out...
If you can be so kind as to lock this thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/57733-halo-wars-out.html. As for the question has...
Question answered... Requesting a lock... Yes, sadly America gets the Mythic maps last compared to the other countries. I just wish I had them...
Ugh... Not again, AZN... Why do you keep on doing this sort of things?
They're all balancing equations just it's not easy for me right now since I was sick with the flu for a week and missed the whole lesson. I'm...
I see that and I thank you... But, that's the least of it; I still have 4 more problems to do. lol. Of course it would come easy to someone in...
You'll come back; they always come back... Weather you like to or not they always come back and one day you'll have you rank back. You can never...
Awesome... Kinda...
Holy shi-.... What is this madness! The former admin is back?!?! But, is a normal member? WTF, is going on? At least your kinda back and I hope...