Thanks, but it has actually been updated since this - expect a new version with cool lifts and additional areas in a few days.
I had the same problem before. It is vital that the door is set up perpendicular, not parallel, to the wall you're trying to merge. If you look...
For more than two teams, simply set the starting points for each team by pressing X. Change the teams to defenders (Team 1), attackers (Team 2),...
Sure. Just tell me when, and you can either send me the raw screenshots or I can come for testing and take the screenshots myself.
Thanks guys. This guide seems almost a bit unnecessarily detailed, but it puts all critiques into perspectives. "Needs more cover in ____ area?"...
[img] Incentives are properties of an area that makes a player more inclined, or less inclined, to go there. They are crucially important to...
Thanks. I'm not too sure about feature worthy: seeing as I am up against Foundry maps built from scratch, most would argue that I didn't do enough...
Good try. You can't just put the same map in two spots and go "uh, it's both." You have to pick one. Otherwise, you're just advertising, which is...
You never played on Renewal... way to make up crap after looking at the pictures...
Wow, good thing NovaK edited out his rant a couple pages back... Anyways, I gave this map a forgethrough and it is truly amazingly forged. I'm...
It is to be played with SWAT CTF only. Although standard traditional CTF requires many routes to the base, this map is based on the mindset "push...
Once? Actually, every immovable object on this map is either geomerged or interlocked with one exception. Besides, that wasn't my focus. The map...
Blackout has been linearized for more direct combat. Push through enemy lines and secure the objective. Point Blank is truly unlike any other...
Wow, thanks a bunch for the kind words. I think that my background over from H3Customs, having hosted TGIF-esque games daily, makes me want to...
Thanks. The main reason for the Covenant weapon set was, with v1 of the map, it was described: This bustling UNSC facility hosts intense FFA...
The Covenant have successfully infiltrated this derailed facility. Now, they have begun to adapt. Axis is version two of my old FFA map,...
...That made no sense... Anyways, this is a really ingenious map. The merging must have taken ages to, not only successfully merge the item,...
It will be a map that I use to challenge people to Doubles if they're real competitive. My partner and I spawn safely behind a shield door above...
They are. You can forge wheels on High Ground. You wouldn't be able to photoshop in a Bungie Favorite Halo 3 screenshot anyways...
I like the background. SImplistic, and nothing completely inventive, but a nice screenshot.