Or you'll Forge like you've never Forged before... because you haven't. XD Anyway I'm glad you finally got an Xbox and Live. Now you, Felipe,...
Same here. My can mannon fired. And I got spawn points EVERYWHERE.
Four kill balls... awesome. I had already designed a map around two though... oh well, the more, the merrier!
I'll promote him to Ref, you make a thread in the same vein as the others with the fancy ► character in it. :P
Do you want to do Acres' thread now?
I know! Next thing you know, we'll discover that light exhibits some of the properties of both waves and particles! Whoa!!
Rocketry 101... it's actually possible now... *faints*
Sandbox should keep Halo 3 alive in the same manner that Halo: Custom Edition kept Halo:CE for the PC alive. To this day there are still sites...
If there is a third tier, which I would like but don't necessarily need at the moment, it would most likely be a cave-style place underneath...
Key example here being Felipe and myself. Without each other none of our big map projects would have ever been completed, and I have Felipe to...
I think the thing most of you seem to be forgetting is the dynamic lighting objects. The SkyBubble seems to be pretty damn dark, and the fact that...
Nevermind. Your reaction time was too slow. The window of opportunity has passed.
And thus, Bob the Kill Ball snowman earned a special place in my heart.
Dammy should be renamed Fapfest 2009 if someone remakes it well, because that's exactly what it would be.
It was actually made in January by Nexn. XD So six months in advance, I suppose. But then again, a March Midship remake on SkyBubble would be...
Midship's already being remade, silly. It's called Heretic. Making a Midship remake would be an exercise in futility. :P
GladiateSmiths ► Head Publicist evan12075 ► Referee rockandroll478 ► Coordinator The latest TCE changes, in case you aren't aware. Next up are...
I'd just like you to know that I love you in the most heterosexual way possible. I also love all of Bungie even more than I already did. Send my...
So, I saw the sky bubble and was all liek FAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAP!!!!! Bungie listened to our cries for floating maps!!! Hopefully Interrobang,...
Mmkay. PM me if you so desire.