There are so many flaws in your idea that we could build some walls and call it an office block! MLG Custom FFA gametype? All MLG gametypes have...
Well it can't be worse than Halo 3 Forges. Please say you won't film it 'live' like they do.
I don't think those orbs are like filters. I also think they;re a bit more than just decor. That example map is symmetrical, it has 2 bases and a...
I can haz time zone? 6:00pm means nothing when you're posting on a forum accessible from anywhere in the world. Good luck with the film and...
I thought it had already been confirmed by people (non Bungie employees) that have played the Mythic maps (except for Sandbox) that Citadel is...
Yay! Matchmaking has finally started again!
Not putting the spawn points close to each other won't work too well. You'll still have 1 team spawn first spawn in one area of the map and the...
I have always made my maps with 3 oddball spawn points so they can support any oddball gametype but I'm having trouble with my latest map. Spawn...
Did you change your gamertag on XBL, then? If you changed it recently then it might be a little while before updates your account info.
Some people just can't do anything without others quickly getting on their backs. Shiska has selected one map to add to a playlist! I agree,...
Yeah, but thats reeeaally old news. Like, Halo: The 3rd Person Shooter for Mac type old. That's about a decade ago now!
*sigh* Welcome to the Internet, we cannot see on to your hard drive and if you wish to show us something then you must transfer it to one of the...
Oh yes! I forgot about them!
I think nearly all the maps have animated sky items. Standoff, The Pit, Last Resort have birds. Avalanche and Snowbound have snow. Narrows has a...
Oo! Let me add to the wall of questions too! Live action Halo? Where's your sig from?
I agree, Infection often focuses on making a game for the humans, the Zombies are just canon fodder, those ones get dull quick if you're a...
Search YouTube. You'll find a ton of low quality recordings from PAX '08.
Yes, very old news. Wasn't this confirmed when we were told Halo Wars LE would ship with 3 Halo 3 maps?
So did I! Honestly, I actually expected that level in the map to be more or less flat, then the escalator would take you to the 2nd level with the...
Bungie has told us how Orbital is made up of two overlapping levels and have posted screenshots which show this as well as some with a nice image...