With all this crappy music, what could be worse than R&B and emo?
2 player co op and the online is competitive, but there is no free mode but in co op you can do anything you could in single player and more
Hope that sums it up, oh and co op is alot of fun.
LOOOOL!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfGPTeV6AFs&feature=channel_page
I wonder what the pitt will offer.
Showed it to some of my friends and they are creeped out and one said "Aliens are real?"
Eulegy, which is ironic because he is black but I guess its because whoever is the strongest.
thats what i want to know too
Lil Wayne - Absolutely full of himself and so is his all of his retarded fans when they say "He's the best rapper alive!" DJ Khaled - WE THE BEST...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3far9oHZOsI WARNING: If your on something right now, don't watch it - You have bin warned.
Overkill in halo 3, I barely got it with rocket launcher and BR Air maverick (SR2)- All the air stunts, if you mess up a little bit you die Rank...
Thanks for sending me the message for this, its a pretty good movie. Hopefully Barack Obama can do something about legalizing weed.
Talk to Mr Burke in the bar, hes in a trench coat with hat.
Yeah but he/she is built like a tank.
Just stay out of his way...
If anything, they are just as much.
The account im using now got firelance the first time I went to superduper mart. I didn't even see a UFO but I saw alien power cells in raiders so...
That will get you some good karma.
I think a simple "Movable: Yes/No" option would be nice Sentinel turrets (May be a little far fetched) AA Wraith (Have a overheat feature...