I lol'd. The only hitch is you kind of attributed hatred of others to Hank (God), but that isn't true, as it obviously doesn't say "Hate other...
Because of the above picture, lock PLZ
[IMG] hit? actually no.
Mandarotica, I want to stab that ***** in the face that's in your avatar. Disaster Movie, Epic Movie, all of them are shitty. I gave up around...
I just have to say go cardinals and that is all...
I'm a mac guy, but if Windows 7 is stable and doesn't do the things that annoy the crap out of me about windows, then I will have to check it out.
LOL, my sister, brother, and dad all went/go there, assuming you mean the one in Oxford, Ohio and not Florida. Miami (OH) is actually a really...
I didn't get off because it was only -10 F, and because we already got 3 days off earlier in the year due to a wind storm that lost power for most...
Say it with me everyone...White Noise.
No argument here. If these modified apps are let in...this should pave the way for Mozilla and Opera, and maybe at a later date Chrome (if we're...
From what I've learned, it sounds like someone just took a big crap and it's being miss understood :/ Thank you I'll be here all night.
Jnewcomb, your ignorance may some day reach all four corners of the globe. You're in 7th grade. Getting A's in seventh grade isn't an...
first, alternative mobile web browsers have been released on the app store. Second, a jailbreak for the iPod touch 2G is hinted as being very...
I have a shotgun, an automatic rifle, a deagle, and a lot of crappy pistols. How's that for specifics?
LOL AR is for elementary school. Awn't wu a wittle wung to be on the internet?
In my experience of playstation network, the commectivity and general gameplay was relatively the same. This was with the same connection so the...
Yes that was what I meant to say in the first place :D I still like the inter-galactic war idea.
...Or you could call Xbox Support (a nightmare) and just tell them you moved back to the U.S. so you need it changed and ask them how,
Forge Hub /=/ People Magazine or 17 --> Off topic pl0x
I'm sorry that's what I meant, the past. Not the future. But I think you contradicted yourself (sort of), at first you said sound waves can't...