yeah, someone all ready beat you to the chase. Theres this wonder full thing called peasant hunt that does what this does, except bigger and...
do not rate your own maps, ecspecialy 5 stars, also all screenshots must be inbedded, one of these nice people well give you a guide do not rate...
i played a 1 flag game on this and you win, plain and simple. This is the most beutifull thing iv'e ever seen, it makes the transformer project...
how in the name of good did no one ever think of this before? anyway looks really nice well made, yadda yadda great geomerging love the...
i played a game and i have one thing to say (lol rhyme) you camo you win, that's about it I played a 3 V 3 game and i don't if i am missing...
the zombies can get weapons? you've been around forgehub for a while so you have to know what a zombie with a sniper can do, also for the save a...
alrighty then let me just say U WINZzZZZZZZzZZZ! yeah that about sums up this review, ive played a game with 8 players 4 times (they wouldn't let...
ok after testing this ive come to the conclusion that, the zipline is epicwinsaucey (that's right i had to make up a word to describe it!) i...
maybe if you erected a wall around the outside like a terace, it would look cool and be mcuh harder to get up
ok after playing a game of one flag on this ive come to a conclusion, this map kicks ass. yeah thats about sums this review up. The shotgun tunnel...
im sorry i feel like an idiot when i say this but it would be really hepfull if you could make the pictures larger, our lead to a link of it in...
Remember your buddies that died trying to save your sorry ass? Yeah, well now they're zombies, and a little bit angry. And you're the only target....
well then don't use bridges, try walls, boxes open boxes whatever! and a regen gravlift is kind of hard to explain, pretty much you interlock a...
well a second floor for one maybe even a third a regenerator gravlift would be cool if it possible but this is a really good base to make a great...
ok i only have 2 suggestions, you need to make the death pit more dangerous, add more teleporters fill it with fusion coils it dosent matter! i...
oops sorry then *face palm* i would seriously consider downloading this map people it's really fun if you can get a party were the zombie won't...
good idea but the map looks a little, plain with only the sniper and shotgun (correct me if theres more non-power weapons) but it may get a little...
well its not that big of a deal but i didnt really like the way that some of the power weapons were presented like the gravity hammer give it a...
here at forgehub a huge part of posting your map is embedding your pictures this an be done by, wait you embedded your pictures correctly first...
im sorry im out of the loop, wasn't this the guy that sued gta?