Hunter in Left 4 Dead [IMG]
The PC is the best for modern day gaming, but it is definitely not the most popular. Many people know so little about computers that they aren't...
I just would like to say that your argument on how the 360 and Wii are dead, is complete idiocy. The PS3 hasn't sold even remotely close the 360...
Um, sorry to say it, but this isn't funny. Extremely low quality as well.
I get a little chuckle everytime I watch it.
OMG, no offense to you, I'm not getting mad at you, but this game is a load of crap. It has got to be one of the most boring things I've ever...
I was never one for the RE games, no matter how much praise they got. The gameplay just seems so boring and slow, having to stop and aim everytime...
I'm surprised of how many people are unaware of CoD:MW2's '09 fall release.
Well, I don't really like either that much, but orange is better.
Plus, Valve has already said they would like to release DLC every few months, giving us more campaigns, more weapons, more zombies, and more maps...
Fable 2 is ****ing awesome.
Haha, omfg that made me laugh so hard.
Get on Xbox, Buttbrain!
Left 4 Dead.
Can I have recon, please?
The render is a little too fine and sharp for the background, atleast for my tastes. Although you do have a very nice artistic ability. Welcome...
Okey Dokey! You, me, LOCK, and maybe PlayerHata can all play together.
Sweet, I'm GMT -5 as well. Well, I need to finish this homework and then eat some dinner, so I'll probably be on somewhere between 7:30 and 8:00....
We can definitely get done with No Mercy tonight. Well, that depends. Any certain time you need to get off, and what is your timezone? Also,...