Because I didn't really try.
Couldn't get the font right.
Put that right under, d00d
I duznt haz live.
I just changed your sig for ya.
I based my opinions on popularity. You're right about me not owning a PS3. But neither does the majority of this site.
1. Dead Space (X360, PS3, PC) Keep it in the list. 2. FarCry 2 (X360, PS3, PC) Take it out, it would be biased (FarCryHub). 3. Gears of War...
Go away.
I used to prefer Red Bull, but I noticed it making me tired after a while, and another one just wouldn't help. I also noticed myself getting...
Brashear Student Shot Dead In Mount Oliver On Birthday - News-
:/ Hai...
No. Change it back.
Did Dom really say Oi?
But... bu... GOD DAMNIT. The one time I decide to be not lazy and actually make another video.... Damnit.
Did you see teh videos?
HOLY ****. You're Serbian? YOU MUST BE NIKO BELLIC HOLY ****