Does that make you a Mythic Member now you have 5000 posts?
Puppet Master - that's a cool name lol
How ironic, I was only playing the original version of this a couple of nights ago. In all, this is an incredibly fun mini-game to take part in,...
You'll get plenty of custom games eventually, just get to know members and abide by the rules (which are here if you need to know). You may want...
Don't even think about posting there now! =] You'll get warned for necro-posting... Sorry if that sounded threatening. loz And nice to see you've...
I was going to get Halo Wars anyway and for Europe, it comes out 2 days after my birthday - so I'll have some money lying around. The LE will...
Happy Birthday lolz
Happy Birthday!
Take a look at this thread: - BB (vB) Code Differences It includes all of the codes for this website at the moment and how to implement them...
That FirFox 919 should be worried... you totally owned our team last night. Thanks for not booting me out lol, really enfoyed it =]
Lol I didn't even know it was your birthday... To copy all these guys I'll just have to say Happy Birthday =] Thanks for keeping the site...
Meh I'll join a random one whenever then
Hey, do you know if your party starts at 7:30 GMT? I'm just a little confuzzled. If it is I may join a little later.
Grammar check lol. Anyway, what is that supposed to mean!? No worries though. Continue floating around the forums looking at the maps. Now that...
Sorta happy I suppose...? Why, should I act depressed lol?
Hey its you!
And 'Plasma Rifle Elite' just did a triple post =[
We'll miss our Jounalist =[ Good luck on focusing on whatever you are doing. You're not gone forever though!
Well, I've got to hand it to you. This is now the biggest mindf*ck ever! I still remember the original Distortion clearly (what's that you say?)...
I know that but I thought, from the way that he worded it, that he accessed a site from his Xbox 360 console alone. That isn't possible, is it?