this map looks pretty good. it looks fun although its a bit overloaded with equipment, weapons, and vechicles, try using less of that. The map...
I seriously dont see any interlocking or geomerging either. actually i dont see any forging techiques that are up to date. try this link and...
This has amazing geomerging and interlocking, the thing that I enjoyed the most on this map though would have to be the two arches. They must...
this looks good it has nice interlocking and Ive never seen a waterfall like that its really cool, ive tried making a waterfall but it wasnt...
this map looks open, try more cover. Also try forging up to date, use the forging 101 guide, you need interlocking and geomerging. heres the link...
ok thanks and I just figured out how to from Bl00d f1re "forging school" in youtube. Thanks for the comment and i apreciate the help Thanks...
wow this is amazing layout. does this play good with infection, because it looks awsome for it. Every piece of the map looks great and i bet its...
ok thanks ill join up then
hey I was looking at your social group and i was wondering if i could join, I would like to get into making mini game maps just pm back
I actually like this, i like one flag maps and it is clear that you use interlocking and geomerging well. I never saw the first version so i dont...
Ill agree with THESILENCEBROKEN im not much of a mlg fan, but the layout for this is amazing. I to agree that the way you use your ramps is very...
I do agree that more interlocking could have made this map better and more smooth. I know that you can interlock because i saw a few pics with...
I know what your saying, ive perfected the fundamentals with forging. and ive been considering a v2. I've learned how to put walls into the...
nice job. I can really see the work you put into this. Ive never tried a floating map and i probally would get to mad with it to try. U must...
very creative. I espescially like the farris wheel ive never seen this be done before. Its really cool. and I like the plasma throwing its like...
hmm ive made a map like this although it wasnt nearly as good. I didnt use good interlocking and my gate that i had in my fortress was just some...
wow this is incredible. I dont really see maps like this. especially ones that are mlg, most mlg are usally similar to each other but this one is...
this map is for sure amazing. Maps like this, reflex, gridstone, they inspire me and give me map ideas. the interlocking and geomerging is clean....
wow a magnificent race map, most race maps on avalanche are a huge adrediline rush, from not knowing if you will make it or not. I enjoy these...
the pictures are now totally fixed and ready to be looked at.