True i could have added more corridors. Unfortunately, for this maps true purpose they were not needed. Just watch what i post in future.
well i didnt think anyone would resurrect this post. ill fix it
I did actually consider the ladder. I though i might use several recievers to make it. The problem was, looking around the level in H C E that...
Thanks. Infinite items dont really work on my fav forge map avalanche. If you use all objects it starts to become laggy so i dont bother going...
Oh wow cool you should have got a vid
Finish!!!!! lol. you wouldnt get it till 2010 if you wanted me to do the whole thing to scale
On a previous map i re-created the full Pillar of autumn. It was okay, but i thought a certain epic part of it could have been done a lot better....
i have no idea about the same probaly. mine was made specifically 6 double boxes long
about a month for a good map
Ive actually made an imperial star destroyer, look it up on my fileshare. the exectutors too big to really make in any semblence of scale.
read the post. one has timed doors for infection and the other is the main map
i dunno im giving it a rest for the mo
You and i both know that a warthog run like that would take up on whole side of avalanche to even be plausable
I really want to find out how to make boxes on last resort avalanche and blackout stay a certain colour. lots of people keep telling me to see...
This is a great map. Not quite the way i imagined it when i read it but everyone visualizes books differently. Looks very neat. you've obviously...
i like the idea of using a carrier. it would be cool if there was a way to make a lift for moving hornets to and from the flight deck or desposing...
nice map. i like the layout more than the actual statue though it is still well put together. stuff like this would be more easier with smaller...
well done, thats really detailed and looks exact. im a big fan of star wars and i will definately download. its good how youve picked up on so...
The way in is by the airlock, in forge. if you were playing a game the only way you would fall off is if you deliberatly did it, thenits your own...