Nah uh D: How did I get you an infraction anyway?
Thesilencebroken has read my mind.
Merry Christmas! =]
Hey! >:{ Your new distortion map. You stoled my thang! For my Lazy map makers contest map submission, I've made a "zipline" by placing grav...
I'm queing it now. Hopefully I don't have to hack your account and ban your file share ;] Any ways, I don't actually mind. (OR DO I?!) Teh new...
lol idk
Your name looks red not maroon for some reason.
You god damn drew
:D Rawwer
No he didn't COMMANDERMATT1 never fails ever. So no U. <3 Matt. I really want to pull something like this on one of my brothers some day. It...
Tisk tisk, voting "Great" on your own map huh? Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Poll Results A little bias imo :P :D <3
I know its old, I saw it a couple years ago. Just remembered about it now and thought that I would share. There's always the people that have not... I lol'd.
Oh, lol its all good >.< <3
What? I don't understand D:
The Streets, I am them.
lol thanks. Hurry up n' get preemz :P
THanks! :D <3
Amazing map, keep it up.