Can you give LG Scott the respected rank, please? He runs a forum like ours that's sort of starting off, I thought it'd be nice. ... If...
When's the last time you've even been online? >__>
Hey Frag, have you ever been in a TGIF?
What about half time? Your sports cliché doesn't make sense in this conversation.
"You're" bench? You're the star player in this football game, Fraggy, only way you're out of this one is a loss or a foul. ;)
You've earned yourself the privelige of watching me "lawl" at your expense from the sidelines. Good day.
I ran a full system scan. One low level tracking cookie was found, which I quarantined Nothin'.
Well I got the song I wanted onto the sample... But with doing so, my volume icon down at the taskbar has disappeared, and my firefox isn't able...
what's my pass at goo? my firefox crashed, i have to use IE and I can never remember it ;__;
How's Monty?
Is it old? Yes. Has it been posted earlier on this forum? No. Thanks for playing, though.
That's because I'm so awesome. Seriously, send cake. I'm hungry.
Happy Birthday, DTL. Send cake.
Slutty McWhore *****.
You saw me in the thread, didn't you? I'm sorry, but I didn't read a lick of it honestly - I'm in a chat with Inane and Kidbomber, and I really... 我的腦袋是遍布這個房間的牆壁,請殺了我
Your pictures. Quit acting ghetto.