From a few threads that ive read on Customs lobby, it doesn't seem very popular. Can i ask, Why do we have this? Also, wouldn't it be smart to...
On a comedy thing here, Did anyone ever see a **** zombie in the REAL world war 2? See, when you think about it. **** zombies doesn't really fit...
Nothing, Just let me say this. <sarcasm> There is not an Infection gametype on halo 3, which started the idea of having zombies because it was...
Don't you people think they introduced "**** Zombies" to try and get Halo players onto COD5, That seems a bit desperate. For a realistic game, I...
Well, Build an MLG map and gametype specifically designed for MLG territories and test it thoroughly, I might enjoy some MLG territories....
This happens sometimes, Try clearing your private data, Like your cache or Authenticated Sessions.
Canada on its own is awesome, everyone is nice there :)
Did anyone use to mod halo 2. I did, Not to cheat in matchmaking though, I had a separate xbox. My modded xbox only ever went on Xlink or XBC. It...
Yeah, To be honest CEX make there profit back by overpricing the games heavily a few weeks after.
Guys, no one has mentioned the hard drive cache problem. Take out your hard drive and if halo works fine, Turn the xbox 360 off and plug the hard...
Quite lucky for me because when i checked the price a few weeks later, it was priced at £45.00
Well im getting Gears 2 at christmas anyway or just borrow my friends alot as he doesnt like gears 2. So i think im alright
BYYB can be used as a BXB in a kind of way. Try it out, You'll notice the speedup. I dont really see the "fakeness" involved in this btw.
So, I went to get Gears 2 a few weeks ago. It was all new literally the day it came out. Guess how much i got it for? No, not £50, £40, £30. I got...
I sent an email asking to join :)
One of the infamous glitches on halo 2 has been found in halo 3. Make sure to start the video around 1:10
Pics not working, I R SAD
Well it seems people are right, I just pushed myself up to a 31 in MLG and it seems like everyone acts mature with the exception of a few. So i...
lol windows do something right. Is there a way to guide the update thorough reg keys.
I tried this multiple times. The game is fine, the updates just wont update the game. I dont think they can find the path. Can you put it reg keys...