Hows it going? Are you going to try and make a map for MM?
I see some hard geomerges. And the angle from the slope to the foundry walls (on the slanted boxes) look to difficult to be possable. This looks...
I mean, I got one side of Rat's Nest. Technically I guess thats 2 geos! lolz
Lol I got one of the geomerges down.
It looked like an epic 2 vs 2 map, but I don't know about 4 vs 4. The playlist is suppost to be 4 vs 4 right? How can it get in that playlist?
Remember when you did the spawns for Code Impulse? Can you do them again for High Voltage? It is a collaboration between me and BlazeisGod. And...
sDrakulich told me about this thread a couple hours ago. I think we'll find this very useful while making the structures. Nice post Squidhands!
If Budget glitching a map doesn't matter, can you direct me to some groups who are getting Bungie favs in the future? I would like to see High...
Testing High Voltage this weekend.
Is Metro v2 Budget glitched? Does it matter if a map is budget glitched to be in Bungie Fav?
Geomerging with the back base. I allready know lol It is epic and we are testing Voltage this weeken. Wanna test with us?
I will be testing this weekend. Wanna test? Send me an FR
Honestly... Yes It is amazing and has some of the best merging and dezigns of any map on Foundry.
Just how much slower do they go? I have a scrached disk so if its only by a couple seconds I might want to DL it anyway. I can't evan play...
So yeh. We will make multiple versions. But just to make sure I know what you mean: Try diferent weapon layouts Try different movable objects...
And remember, this map must be feature worthy and completely perfect by the time I give it to you and yo give it back to me. Will you be able...
Dude we're collaborating. Don't freaken delete me again...
When are you posting it? Drak said it was going in Team Doubles. Is that true or is it going in the playlist specially made for foundry maps?
What is the probability of it getting in MM? I am trying to get a map in too. You want to see it? (or can you see it? I want you to lolz)