becuase, if there was a corruspt file, reinstalling it would fix it. yes i restarted and just did a system restore hoping it would bring WoW...
no...but i uninstalled it thinking i could reinstall it. yeah the box is there but there is no cd inside.
and on top of that, i cant find the lich king cd ANYWHERE so that i could re install in :[
thaaaaaank you babe. you get to play all night long while i just sat around, then today when i finally get to play, warcraft keeps crashing on me....
lmao i know, i shame myself :[
k i will, come quickly, love you bye :]
oh yeah like i had money to fill it up, sorry. and the only reason i nee you to come is because i CANT get a ride there, did i not just explain...
no ill drive sweety, and ill take you right back home, please can you come now?
hey babe i need a favor. when you get home could you come here? tracy needs a ride and their car is broken. plus i wanted to take the kids to the...
warcraft ruins lives :[
shargen charcasm...
im on there too guys Toochie is the name, and im undead. add me
im on whats your name?
well thats not fair. im off tomorrow....your off tomorrow...who gets to play?
yeah basically. the knew death knight or whatever, you have to have another character on that same server that is at least 55....then you can make...
well i got the kids and such so i wont be playing much...and now ciera is home so i know she'll take the internet and hog it ALL day long...but...
a derenie or whatever...i knooow its alliance, but i like the way they look lol
i think im gunna stick with derenden
then i guess you never heard of the african kisser bee! thats right not killer, kisser. ****ing little shits kiss you to death