There isn't necessarily mogooses in this map. If you wanted to you could place mongooses (mongees?) on Guardian too, but in forge mode. Either...
Nah that's not it. I'll post my thoughts at the top of the thread i guess.
Wtf? Who knows how it works and can help me? I've heard that its just based on how many games you play. My source is my friend and the fact I...
Radius got a 19.5/10...pretty much unbeatable. El oh el jay kay smiley face =) Congrats bro's seems like you had stiff competition. All the...
This looks pretty awesome PJ, can't wait until the finsihed product is released.
Haha same here bro. They day Gears came out I finished a 12 pack of coke and had like 4 7-ups
lol, I get what your saying.
Nah, i haven't played too much of it. So far though it would prob be either Maria or Tai putting a bullet in his brain.
Ruins is intense Vice. If I'm on, and it's open; I would love to play with you guys.
Ha, I <3 gears1. I never liked my cod3, i dislike WWll games. I loved cod4, but I hate the WOW beta, no way im getting it.
If that was me, they would be buying me a new phone and ipod. I personally wouldn't be able to take **** like that, cold ass day. Plus the...
Yeah I got like 5-6 collectables overall. I'm not too big of an achievement *****, but their nice to have. The only one i care about is...
Thats cool. i didn't really understand anything you just said but I get the jist of it. Your getting a faster computer. Yeah I barely have any...
Yeah, biggest B.S. of my life with this ****. Horde level 49, just me and my friend on hardcore. On Ruins BTW, he rocks the torque and me and my...
Ha that sucks. I have a new computer so my internet is good, but I have some goo shotgun leg in Gears. I don't really like playing campaign,...
That's chill, when my sister shuts up I'm prob gonna bail and play a little Gears before I go to sleep.
Actually pretty shitty right now. My friend just left so I'm watching my sister til my parents get home from the casino or wherever they went....
lol idk bro. You're in like half of my groups and in basically every thread. It's like we're soulmates.
Horde is fun the first few times, but my friends play it all the time. I'm in love with public elimination matches; i find it so much more fun to...
Knight I still don't have my Halo3 disc, but this is in my Q. Everything in this entire map is geomerged, thats extremely impressive. You have a...