holy **** scop, my birthday is a day before yours :D
Hayley Williams from Paramore
I gotta be honest, I doubt I'll install any. I don't see a point in it, the only I thing I in this feature I could find useful is renting from...
I speak of my self.... silly
uh.. no mention of Far Cry or Fable?? wow.. this disappoints the great god Letalis.
I've actually seen a handful of people playing Gears 2 on my brother's friends list.. dunno how. This secret is a must cause I'd do badddd things...
What is this for, a far cry map? If it is Matty you may be able to restore hope in my thread which was mocked relentlessly for being a bad idea
omfg,! gaspp!!one!11!!! deathtoll playing matchmaking???!
damnit really? This is why it should've been budget glitched >.< I'm damn sure there's something we can do... Well regardless, I won't be on for...
woot woot, shwoop de niggy, de woop suwop dee woop. I dun even have Fable II yet and I believe I will enjoy it none the less when I do get it :D...
me too, we caught a tiny shower wit some hail too nothing too severe or snowday status
Well there was a problem when I was first trying that Wraith idea but then I made another fence box behind it and pushed it further back to...
I would be LetalisCarbine9, I play tested with you and silence a few times, yes? Anyways I can't imagine it have gotten any better, how can you...
of course...
the names....?
Does anybody know the names of some of these maps? mainly the swampy-tree fort looking one and the sky castle. they look superb, i want them >.<
I got the same E-74 message, I tried hooking up my xbox without hard drive, still had it. tried detaching and then attaching cables, still had it....
i dont think so, cause the problem occurs with the hard drive detached.
what does one red ring mean?