Quiga, I'll always love you even if your old and Retired now. <3 Just kidding, I know your all young and 13 and in love with me. lol
Lawl. I never liked the living Dead Playlist that Bungie made. The reason why I didn't like it; was because it seemed to unfair for the Humans...
Nevermind, about the BB Codes Insane. I just realized something and now I feel really stupid right now. Sorry.
Please lock this. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/42988-cod-world-war-beta.html. The question has been answered/resolved.
This page is a Fan of Bungie now with 777 visits. lol
Changed your custom title I see. lol. That used to be your title when you was a loyal. Lawl.
Aww... But, those are the best kind of custom games to play; super unfair zombie games with one-shot kill turned on in a super human base with...
Ask, Albyhouse I haven't raped him (yet). lol
Why? I can haz your cell phone number instead? lol. I have Alby's number and I text him every once in awhile. lol
Remember this name? "Queen **** *****" I just remembered the name when I thought of the fun time we had in that party with Asper49 awhile back. lol
Fail, Fail, Fail!!! Curse you and your Staff powers!!! lol. But wait, What is Registration IP? I never heard of that. lol. CommanderMatt1...
By the way, you left the thread open. Unless you wanted to leave it open.
"Banned for impersonation". "ENJOY YOUR NAP"!!! lol... I will always remember what you said to that person. lol. I wish I could IP check...
^Lol what?^ So, I'm guessing you IP checked him Insane54, or something like that and it turned out to be a wanted to be known person? lol.
Welcome, But, as a warning please read the rules before you post. Because your first post on the site is called Spam post. Not only was it a Spam...
Welcome, I'm glad that you decided to join the Community. I hope you enjoy your stay here at Forge Hub. If you have any questions about the site...
Shock, think you put a big enough profile picture of your sock monkey? And what's that in your Avatar? lol.
Aw, You've been sick I see. I hope you feel better.
Please lock this thread for double posting maps. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/42668-proof-006-a.html#post547242. Old map:...