This isnt a bad map, just its getting old on foundry, i suggest trying out your forging on a different map. But this map seems to be good and i...
This map actually looks really good, i like how you added all the details in the hallways too, maybe you shouldnt have that camping spot though?...
Hey you need help?
My favorite is the new canals its dead sexy! gridlock is also very nice i cant wait to play on them both but canals is forrsure my favorite.
Im a little new but i already know the rules and whatnot, ill help out if you want.
you need to embeb the pictures i cant really see anything from those small pictures, upload them up to photobucket and put them up here after. I...
i would appreciate that normally im good at that kind of stuff but i dont have the newest flash player installed which basically limits what i can do.
It isnt cheating at all, bungie doesnt have any kind of ban on it as far as i know. Even though many people find it cheap and a waste of time for...
I cant find tha box to check to make your signature go away D= i wanna discuss things in the febate jank....oh wait i dont have a sig yet O.O...
Haha thanks =D buuuuuut i have a question since im still kinda new here.
I like this map but im not really a open map type of player, but since thats what its meant to be i wont say anything bad about that, i see very...
Hi there new friend person =D I hope you have a lot of fun and meet a lot of people here, if you need anything feel free to ask me ^.^
hey there cool kid :3
There called sleeves ^.^ and there is a point, sometimes tattoos are very meaningful, they can represent a passed family member, or something that...
Well let me be the first to welcome you =D Welcome! haha i hope you have fun here. Also i forgot to add earlier if you need any help or anything...
Thats true and thats probably why i like Saints Row more, im more laid back and i like having a lot of random fun in games. I admit GTA IV was...
I actually thought it was really good, the gameplay was great as expected. The story was really good too.
HiHi new guy =D welcomeeee :3
Iwrestledabearonce ^.^ But you should look into getting sleeves that actually have meaning, or just a rainbow from nipple to nipple either one works.
I really dont think there is anything to suggest, this map is epic O.O I love the idea of it and its very original, great job i really hope to see...