That happens because you can only geomerge an object to a certain extent.
Anyone can make it....if possible i would like one done within half an hour
The deed is done and you have been fed.
Anyone can make it. *Recovering from playing Dead Space*
I was just kidding
Can someone please make me an avatar with (below) as the background. But only the face and body. Plus rep for who ever makes this. [IMG]
I say we organize people into groups then call them countries. That way people in the US who want to be in but can't because of the 8 members can...
Could the 'Bradley Effect' Hurt Obama? Sen. Barack Obama has a sizable lead over Sen. John McCain, polls show, but those numbers could be...
I believe dead space is kinda like bioshock but in the future with aliens rather then genetically mutated humans.
Im getting DEAD SPACE, GoW2, Fall Out 3, Mirrors Edge, LittleBig Planet, and CoD5. I am the only one getting dead space?
Is it? No flaming other members and no using specific names when you give examples.
Sorry but its been done before. 2.5/7
You really should post that map. Sig'd
It is kind of hard to explain in words but if possible geomerge while watching the video just use different objects.
If you want tomarrow night about 9pm EST i can show you how to geomerge at an angle if you don't get it.
My friend started a clan so i changed my gt from RacoonSniper13 to Sn1p3r K1Ilx. His gamertag is Sn1p3r K1llx so over live it looks almost the...
button layout: bumper jumper Sensitivity: 7 or 10(depends on tv size) Vibration: ON Crouch: hold inverted: no
welcome to ForgeHub. Please read all rules before posting. If you have any questions feel free to send me a private message.
Please tell me which image you like better(they were made by boydy) [IMG] or [IMG]
I am hosting a contest for my new avatar. Rules: Must be made by you. Must be bioshock themed. Must have the GT name Sn1p3r K1Ilx on there. When...