To be honest, i feel this thread is turning into a slagging match between several parties. So, i'm going to lock with the opinion that the thread...
I'm moving this to Halo Discussion ... i suggest not mentioning Rep in that way, as you're liable for an infraction.
I would like you to provide evidence of this.
quite alright ... back on topic plz ;)
I'd like to point out that this thread is for Debating the 'corruption' of the people who help to keep ForgeHub running on a day-to-day basis; NOT...
To be honest, i don't really see why members may consider any member above the regular status as 'corrupt'. I can tell you, from personal...
Dude ... i made you a Calm Like a Bomb tab ...
You post a link with the following code: [noparse]This is Your Link.[/noparse] That would look like: This is Your Link.
Thanks for that ...
Yup, Halo 3: Recon is the title. Short description from their presentation at the Tokyo Gamer Show New campaign, new Multiplayer stuff ......
Ah right ... oh well ... good luck with that :p
I'll n00b you ... thought you'd martyr'd yourself to get away from here ... hahahaha ¬__¬
I'm probably going to buy it simply for the Tool songs. Tool are my all time favourite band. They win. At everything. Win win win. The fact that...
no u, Jonas
Ban this member plz. I would, but i don't have the permissions.
Moved to Halo Forge Discussion.
I'm gonna move this to General Discussion, as you'll probably get more responses there.
Moved to Forge Discussion.
Yeah, i had Future Perfect, but it wasn't as good as TS2. I got super hyped about FP's release, then it turned out to be not as good.
Actually ... yeah. Timesplitters 2 was epic of all wins.