I would really like to thank everyone for downloading the map. I hit 1,000 downloads around midnight yesterday. Also, I would like to thank...
The same thing happened to me, it came back in about 2 weeks though
PE is very much required in my school. Not only do you have to take it, but you can actually be held back senior year for failing it. We have a...
Wait Up isnt showing up for me, just a red X.
I hope Bungie doesnt put that retarded Griffball map into the Griffball playlist when its up. I wanna have fun getting to a General in it
I was about to suggest Kongregate, good thing I read your post first. Also, Kongregate has "Featured Games" where beating their...
SMGs side by side with the handles facing inwards and one gun has the tip at facing down and the one its touching has the tip facing up
Pretty sure the center structure is a spider with 4 legs or so.
It just came out today didnt it? I checked late last night and it wasnt like that...
Incase anyone hasnt realized yet the new file shares are out! Go to bnet and click on Files on your gamercard thing(in the upper right corner)...
So, Im home sick today and bored out of my mind. So, what do you guys think is at the end of the Vidmaster Rainbow? And by that I mean First...
Since your refferring to a TU3 and then the new map, do you mean the Mythic Map pack; not TU3? Also the new equipment you mentioned would be an...
Thanks for the comments. Also, the hood is still open because like I said, there is only two people and I needed them both for the rest of pic
Maybe be a little more elaborate in your post? Like what you like about it; feedback is always good
This is simply epic. I have never seen a pinball map before, at least not a playable one. Using brute shots to shoot at an oncoming soccerball?...
Its a sniper. What more do I need to say?
He used Photobucket to distort it. But you should have gotten a better view of the picture, perhaps over his shoulder directly?
Thanks, and first off; No its not. Secondly; Not a propane tank, I used two controllers. One held the missle at the Tank and the second shot a...
A picture I made back in June. I used Chicken Dippah's map The Lab Hog to get the Rocket Hog. Tell me what you think [IMG] LINK Also,...
You should have flipped the grav hammer around the other way. Heres a picture from Predator, its a Rock Band screenshot he took(Not on his Share,...