I has an idea for epic collab; Thriller Redux - Avalanche build. Eh? :D
Why did you sig me, that quote isn't even funny? >___>
That was quick... but can you unlock the topic so I can organize it in there? >__>
Alright, that's perfectly fine. You do what you need to. : )
Hello, Sir. You happen to know if our opponents are online, I have a bit of work to do?
Hm. This is probably my least popular map, out of all that I have submitted; that's a strange thing, only 48 downloads for the UNSC version, not...
Alright, I'll cast my two cents in here seeing as you have only one constructive post, one which is both copied and pasted and unrelated to your...
You should call cops, or something. Could work.
Nothin' man, where you been?
Hey, this looks great aesthetically, I can't wait to get a game on it! It's nice to see a fantastic looking map from a newer user, we could use...
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LGnation.com There's just some dude named Matty over there, not exactly sure if hes trying to pose as you.
LGnation. Or is it a false account?
You are on LG because...?
Nah. I could easily outrun him. Somethin's up with his leg.
I'm in 9th grade, if that's what you mean?
Haha, knew it was too good to be true. I keep pairing up with this kid named Sean Driscoll in my science class; taught by Mrs.Fuss. You had me...
What?!!??!?! MRS.FUSS'S CLASS?!
Hey... what's you first name?