SEAN we are hanging tomorrow to make a epic sandwich.
Reserved for me and bloodfire (colaboration sandwich)
cool map iv always wanted to go to the great wall of china BUT NOW I CAN JUST DL THIS MAP!!!!! but fo real iv never seen this done before i like...
just cause it doesnt have asthetics doesnt mean it wont get featured.looks great im excited to test it now it sounds like such a blast ima dl and...
who was your first?
so whoooo you gonna infract first??HUH HUH HUH HUH???
woooo event staff that came fast......looks sexy
ask bloodfire
hey whats up.
true true true i finished the v2.1 and i added fencebox ramps at the sides and added cover to the bottom also i whiched the sniper and shotty and...
aww poor u im sure bungie will do somthing about this just dont you worry!
hi would you be able to help me out soon? cause i will not be on tonight.up to you.
i TURRET should be first but you should make links to those cause i want to dl them i like i like.
ty for offereing ivory cause i didnt want to bother you or anyone else cause i know there all busy with 2v2 or other stuff but yes id be so happy...
@ your post about sewage lines you should add me as a friend and ill include you in testing me blood some skalich guy and shadow already had a...
I merged the fence boxes into the ground. Its nearly done. I need to do spawn work then it will be posted .