Babeh ... read mai LEGO thread in teh Pub.
Haha, smooth stuff. Its quite alright, i never play games on my PC/Laptop. Thanks for the offer though =)
Have whatever you want :p ... and its not up to me if you get it back or not. What'd you get one for in the first place?
Pretty much ... its rather win.
Multimedia Design / Data Management
Well ... the fact i'm at work kinda negates my ability to help you :p Sorry.
Help how?
I would actually like to bring in a 'No Post Count' rule to the G&A forum ... but Nitrous is being a pie about it ...
Its off their first major album 'XX'. The second render is much, much better.
On a music related note, Mushroomhead are ancient, and i'm pretty certain they started before Slipknot did. Solitaire Unravelling is a ****ing...
I'm in ur threadz, telling u how ****ing idiotic u all r.
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i thort u wer Jonas?1/
no u I r Paul
nu-uh!! ... ur Jonas
Moved to Forge Discussion. ------------>
Thank you, good sir.
Can you spy this please ... Thread Title Editing