looks pretty cool, i see that you merged stuff. ahh of course you can probably guess people will bug you about interlocking your scenery, but...
just gotta remember, "Am I doing what I can living my life out for God?" and if God just has it on your heart at lunch one day to go talk to a...
hey maybe you should see about adding some more friends, im sure my friends wouldn't mind adding ya, eh its not like i have a billion friends on...
hah cool, i think springbrook's pretty cool, so good luck with it! (maybe i'll post one of my maps soon lol, God knows if people will like them or...
hey if u get on my page and add metallic snake, stratigon13, and link grey i think that'd be cool, you guys might be cool friends. :)
ah ok cool man, hey just btw i think you may want to add one of my friends (metallic snake) i think he's a cool guy. well cya around
yeah man bout the same's been going on with me a little cuz it's very possible for me to have homework in all my classes everyday (except fridays...
so what's up you just joined yesterday eh?
hey im not perfect either, just God is, but I believe God's Word is Truth and that's what you gotta stick by, Praise God! :)
looks very different from other infection games. pretty cool that you have vehicles on foundry, not usually done i would think. nice job with the...
hey nice job it looks pretty good, the scenery is creative and nice job deciding where to put the bases and such at. the little secrets on the map...
So the map is on sandtrap eh? that's cool and different, i'm not so sure i can really make up my mind yet about the map's quality because...
ah dont worry about, it's a debate alright and that's my side i'm sharing with you guys. i dont have to attack you to share my side of things, eh...
good thing you said all that because it explains how to play the game a lot better. it sounds really cool and fun, must've took some thinking to...
hey man whats up i read a couple of your posts, amen man
hey well i read your post man, but just a reminder...Matthew 7:13-14 "(13)Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the...
man just remember them and pray for them whenever you're alone with God and you gotta know you can't force em to change but you can offer your...
Man honestly this is what the Bible says and this is God's Word right here!!!!!!! If you're a believer and follower, a Christian for God Almighty...