on bungie .net
eh......it wasnt that hard
i spent an hour looking at the fuel rod guns part to think what should go there. thanks for your comment to put this back on page 1.
thank you..i guess ill give the tutorial away for this screenshot if anyone cares, it was just a lucky grenade and at the right time, like when i...
thank you
thanks...if toxic skittles did tell everyone it would still be original but i guess thats down the drain
lol thats what i said when it was done
well to bad i didnt save the film...
I was looking through smosh's hilarious videos and found this. it hilarious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCd_i7wW87Q
i didnt even know the embed wasnt working-sorry guys
idk how he did it, maybe he got permission from google cuz they run youtube....yeah the audio work was straight from the acualy movie, well...
oh, ill edit the first post, well any ways, jamie98s is one hell of a machinima director
nvm, shops closed
yeah, comment on kokobear....i noticed his halo 2 machinima 28days later and i couldnt wait till he/she came out with this.
true, but i just think this was an amazing video coreographed perfectly in halo
thats why i put it on forge hub like 2 seconds after i got it lol i was just amazed by it.
awsome tastic machinima...defintly worth the whole 43minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWoFtSFBhV4&NR=1 ALL CREDIT GOES TO KOKOBEAR GROUP...
its acualy orange but you were close
thank you. ive never seen the effect before so i flipped out when i saw it