Charlie Weis= notre dame coacch
Oh I see, I was on in July but I was pretty much a post ***** haha.
Now we've met =) Hows it?
Really, i post occationally on the front page maps, but I spend the most time in off topic. I'm surprised I don't see you more.
oh ya, now that i look at it it does look like a remake. I loved the layout and likke the visuals of that map. I didn't care for tombstone either.
thanks squidhands, thats right. I dont play halo ce that much, thno i occasionally do with my little brother and thats the only map we play
There in my opinion were two awesome maps in halo CE. Bloodgultch/ coagulation. And Lockout I think it was called. it had little pillars and thw...
ha well i think Z is one of the best I've ever seen. Good luck Vs X. Hm, IDK actually. We grasde on aesthenics originality and gameplay. then...
I actually haven't played Project X, but I doubt it. Projects Z layout and interlocking is flawless. In my opinion its the best map on forgehub,...
How is this spongebob lol. not being a **** or anything, maybe add a bit more of a discription, and a gametype to go along with your map. I don't...
ha i told them im your friend lol and everyone reviews each map so we have better ideas about what the rating should be so I don't know if I'm...
One of my friends is a talented forger, he puts so much time into his maps and the aesthenics are amazing. TheXShadowXKing is really good. IDK...
right now, cod4, l8r GOW2
damn lol thats a lot. I was hoping don't stop believin would get in even though I'm not sure if its a guitar or not.
good job knight, youve done a great job with this contest, and i see a lot of great maps out there.
Ha, I loved it. And michigan injured charlie wice.
whats going on in this show now, i stopped watching in season two, its too ocnfusing.
the skull looks like a baseball cas it has seams or seam looking things. lol
check forgemates, a thread started by Tex. I found some one, were getting ready to post maps. Watch out boys.
i dont think all m night movies were bad. I actually enjoyed signs. worst movie ending...errrr.... hahahahah one missed call. biggest joke of a...