I think it's funny how you're so full of yourself. You won't even post back to the person who's asking you something. Stop being a douche and...
Hey wait could you fix Shock's post. He's being impatient and didn't even give us a chance to look and see that we play now. You don't realize how...
HEY WAIT! Me and Scorpulus have been waiting for this. I JUST saw that we play now. It's only been 5 hours. We ARE going to play them so edit your...
LMAO wow. I'll post wherever I damn well want to. Just leave me the **** alone. I don't know why you come after me all the damn time. Maybe Titmar...
You just abused it right there. Ban me again for this message too I don't care. You actually went through the 1,000,000 Post Party Countdown and...
Just shut your ****ing mouth dumb ass. I'm not in the damn mood and YOU are the one who said something about it. Go back to school.
um no. I make Forge Hub videos that show all the maps in this community. watch the videos before you talk to me.
inorite lol
Isn't there a way to fix the money glitch problem.. such as the one you're in right now?
why isn't chalice featured yet V.V that map is so money.
OJ helps :D. No but I feel bad for ya. If this is a joke though you might wanna give it up but if not, I'll think about ya.
<3 you :D
win o/
welcome to Forge Hub. Go to the introduction page and post your first post. Tell us about yourself! :D
Forging Sense