well, i played the demo of too human and i didn't like the controls. but people say it is good. like mercenaries 2
ok. which ne is better then to you
Space Station. Sandtrap dont have it friend does though
well i dont know how i got the second one. None of them were staged. was just looking in theater mode, and they looked good. First one i was...
My dad said i could get one. Which is better? Cant Decide. Like Mercenaries but said had bad graphics. Too Human Is good but wierd controls
thanx but i just called the 2nd pic luke because it looks dark like Darth Vader
Download Sic Sniper [IMG] Download Luke [IMG]
its good. i could prrove it. but the video or action shots arent coming in
I just took some action shots now. but they dont upload to my bungie.net profile quikly. dont know y
Well Your probably gonna see some action shots when they load in my bungie.net account. posted it early sorry Video Is uploading on...
UltimateShowdown Created by zILiGhTzXzOu7z[/i] Supported Gametypes: UltimateDestiny (Infection) Map Description Well this map is a on...
well i only took one because its suppose to be a house canvas. (Outside Pick)
you'll see it in a couple of days. dont worry
Probab;y gonna be here in 2-3 days maybe........
well this was my first post, didnt read the ciomment
i think so. wat do u think
ya its really a safe house sorta
awesome this map got a comment by the way my new gt: is zILiGhTzXzOu7z. Old Name D4GG3R x
i dont know. just playin gon avalanche